This website has taken WAY too long to get up and running. I blame life. But, that isn’t going to stop me from working on God’s plan for my life. So here we go!

My name is Liz and I am the owner/designer of Brave Melody. God put this on my heart a few years ago. I have tried, many times, to resist or give up, but I am always reminded that God has a plan and that I need to be doing this for some reason.

The basic summary for Brave Melody is “Intentional Made Easy”. I am all about life hacks, parenting hacks, organizing hacks, and ANYTHING that makes it easier to be intentional in life without a lot of work. I desperately want to be a good follower of Christ, a good wife, a good mother, a good friend, and a good person. But sometimes, the to-do list gets a little too long and I just cant “do all the things” that I want. I am sure you can relate. So, when I create something for our family or find something that helps us, I want to share it to all the others in the world that are struggling to get “all the things” done like me.

My focus is creating content and products for being intentional in our Christian faith, parenting, marriage, and friendships. I love posting a daily family talk topic to get our families talking again. So good for after school discussions, so you hear more than “the day was fine, Mom.” I also post scripture of quotes to help motivate or speak into our day. For products, I have apparel, bible verse wall boards, teacher gifts, address books, and more. So much more to come… If I can find the time to get it all on-line.

A little more about me: I am a Christian, Wife, Mom of a boy and girl, and an employee with a full time day job. When not working on something, I am probably cleaning, working on a home project, enjoying family time, or working on Lego with my daughter.

My life verse is Joshua 1:7. I know 1:9 is the famous one that is used everywhere, but I prefer 1:7. They say almost the same thing, but verse 7 adds another cool detail. “Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” So, it not only talks about being strong and courageous and being successful wherever you go. It also reminds us/me to stay on God’s path and to stay in God’s word. Boundaries and focus.

So, here we go onto the internet space. This is a long time coming. And I pray that everything I do glorifies God.